Peace of mind
We come to you
Personal and Interactive
Course covers Babies, Children and Adults
Based on 47 reviews
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Excellent course for the whole family and Amanda was great 😊 Highly recommend 👍
The family first aid training course is informative and the instructor was very knowledgeable and friendly.
What an amazing experience for our family. The instructor was extremely knowledgeable and pleasant. Highly recommend this course for any family who want to equip themselves with skills of cpr and first aid.
Ivan was a pleasure to work with. The on-boarding and course was very professional. My children were not looking forward to the day but ended up really enjoying it (thank you Ivan!) and requesting more instruction. Very impressed with Family First Aid.
Amanda was friendly and kept all topics interesting and easy to follow and encouraged questions and practice. My son(13) and I really enjoyed the course and feel confident in what we learnt. The whole experience from booking the course and after was prompt and friendly.
We had so much fun throughout the theory and practical work. It was very informative, we learned a lot and feel prepared if there was ever an emergency situation. Thank you Family First Aid!
We offer training in Johannesburg, Pretoria and Cape Town.

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Learn the correct way to do CPR and First Aid with a friendly instructor through a fun and interactive course in your relaxed environment

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